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Science Research Publications
Browse at all the prestigious Science Research Publications done by Emmerich in-house Scientists
A milestone of success has been achieved by the Head of Science Department in Emmerich Education Center, Eden Steven. It is the center’s first research paper published in a prestigious internationally renowned journal, Nature Partner Journal ... (see more)
Research Publication
1. Light storage and thermal-assisted switching of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ (2020)
Jason K. Adhinarta, Eric Jobiliong, Muhandis Shiddiq, Henri P. Uranus and Eden Steven, “Light storage and thermal-assisted switching of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+,” Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218863519500425 (2020).
2. Thermopower Quantum Oscillations in the Charge Density Wave State of the Organic Conductor a-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4 (2019)
Danica Krstovska, Eun Sang Choi, and Eden Steven, “Thermopower Quantum Oscillations in the Charge Density Wave State of the Organic Conductor a-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4,” J. Low. Temp. Phys. 195, 165-178 (2019).
3. 2D Organic Molecular Metallic Soft Materials Derived from BEDO-TTF with Electrochromic and Rectifying Properties (2018)
Daniel Suarez, Eden Steven, Elena Laukhina, Andres Gomez, Anna Crespi, Narcis Mestres, Concepcio Rovira, Eun Sang Choi, and Jaume Veciana, “2D Organic Molecular Metallic Soft Materials Derived from BEDO-TTF with Electrochromic and Rectifying Properties,” npj Flexible Electronics 2, 29 (2018).
Research Conference & Presentation
1. Light Storage and Thermal-Assisted-Switching of Strontium Aluminate : Eu,Dy-doped
J.K. Adhinarta, M. Shiddiq, H. Uranus, and E. Steven, “Light Storage and Thermal-Assisted-Switching of Strontium Aluminate : Eu,Dy-doped, 12th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA), Jakarta, Indonesia, July 1-4, 2019.
(Best Poster Presentation Award)